Student Assistance Programs & Training Services LLC [SAP / TS] offers Student Care, our Program of private, professional counseling; life balance resources; and crisis intervention. The Program operates successfully in higher education and other school settings as an independent, student-focused service and a risk management partner for institutions. 

Student Care does not replace campus counseling, rather it is an umbrella to those valuable resources, extending campus counseling into an integrated, full service facility:

Student Care adds essential clinical and personal service elements for students coping with the often conflicting demands of education, career and family issues:
For the Institution, the Program includes:

Student Care can be implemented for any size population, with national and international locations. Our service partnership with Workplace Options offers the widest of Program configurations and services, while delivering them at the most reasonable fees. 

The Program will be managed at the senior level of SAP / TS for [INSTITUTION LOGO]:


Workplace Options is the world’s largest provider of integrated Student Assistance Programs, Employee Assistance Programs, and Work-life [Personal Care] services. Service centers in Raleigh; London; Toronto; Dublin; Tokyo; Lisbon; Bangalore; and Singapore support more than 48 million employees in 59,000 organizations, across 200 countries and territories.  

Workplace Options offers services to nearly 400 institutions of higher learning, having 1.5 million employees, and 750,000 students.

Today our group supports students at campuses and online settings in Arizona and Texas. Our program is designed to augment campus counseling services by helping students manage academic, social, career, and day-to-day responsibilities.  

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